Monday, December 11, 2006

IVF camp for men in India

An IVF center in India named Forerunners Healthcare Consultants is holding an "IVF camp" for men. The object is to counsel them about the treatment of male factors infertility with the use of something they are calling TSEICSI, Testicular Sperm Extraction with Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection. The two techniques are not new, although perhaps combining them is new at this center. What is new is the acronym they coined which they pronounce "sexy" - ok, that's fun.

They center says that 10% of Indian couples have fertility issues and for close to half of them it is due to male factors. The center says that previously it was believed that a period of sperm "maturation" was required before it could be used for ICSI. But with new techniques they can take the sperm directly from testes to ova and achieve fertilization.


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